
Friday, June 15, 2012

Squishy Roll Call

Well, it's that time again. Time for me to take stock of all of the squishies from Squishable that have invaded our house over the last few months. I love these fluffy little critters so much, and for some reason my husband seems inclined to indulge my recent obsession with them. My daughter doesn't mind much either, since I let her play with them too.

Squishable is such a nifty company, and they keep offering new types of animals and new sizes and all kinds of other products (I recently acquired a very nifty tea mug from them as well). Right now actual Squishables are available in four different sizes:

Micro (with removable key-ring attachment)

Mini (volleyball-ish sized)

Standard (beach ball sized)

Massive (bigger than my two year old)

Perhaps to me the most insidious (and by insidious I mean delightful) aspect is that they use the same animal/designs in all of the sizes. Not every regular squishy is available in all of the other sizes, but quite a few of them are. As a result, we've accumulated several squishy families in our home.

Dragons in Mini, Standard, and Massive (Squish, Neville, and Norbert)

T-Rex in Micro, Mini, Standard, and Massive (made in conjunction with Ryan North of Dinosaur Comics)

Manatees in Micro, Mini, and Standard

Narwhals in Micro, Mini, and Standard

Sabre-tooth Tigers in Mini and Standard

Cthulhu in Mini and Standard

There is also a Mini penguin and a Micro owl that as of yet are on their own (but never alone because the other squishies are quite welcoming).

It's nuts, I know.

Here is a shot of all of them together:

Don't you want to just dive right in and cuddle? 

As far as my daughter is concerned, her bedroom is a soft and fuzzy wonderland.

So, as you may have guessed going by the number of these things that I have, Squishable is a product that I highly recommend. They offer something to suit almost anyone's interest, no matter the age. With the wide range of sizes, there is also something in whatever price range best fits your budget. You should check them out. In addition to offering amazing stuffed animals, the company also happens to be run by some really swell people.

Have a wonderful and hug-filled weekend my friends. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go get started on building that extension to my house so I have room for all of these guys...

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