
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Odds and Ends

I took a big chunk of last week off as far as actual yarn-crafting went, but I did manage to get a few things accomplished.

I got all of the blocks made for the latest baby blanket--this one for a cousin's kiddo.

Someone is coming to check it out...

Ooh, a puzzle!

I will probably finish getting the pieces sewn together today or tomorrow. Then all that will be left is the border, even though the pattern doesn't call for one, I think it will look more finished that way. I'll have more for you on this one next week.

I also finally remembered to assemble the squares from the swap my sis and I did last year. Each month in 2010 we each sent each other a crocheted square. We both had our own designs in mind and the idea was that at the end of the year we would each have our own twelve-block blanket, made with sisterly love. My sister did an abstract sort of pattern for her squares. These are the three different types of squares I got:

It is possible she might have forgotten to send me the key to how the pieces actually fit together though, so I had to improvise a little bit, but I am very happy with how the assembled blanket turned out.

2010 Sister Swap Blanket, made by Cori's sister, assembled by Cori.

This past week I got a really awesome Ravelry message from the lady at Lion Brand who has been running/blogging about the Crochet-Along I just did. She is going to be doing a write-up featuring photos of some of the finished sweaters and wants to include one of mine! That will probably go up later this week. I got a nice warm fuzzy from that request. One thing I absolutely adore about Ravelry is the periodic positive feedback on my projects that it provides. It is nice to know that other crafters out there approve of what you are doing, you know?

I also have been doing a bit of planning. I got the yarn for my next project after this blanket is done. This one will be a knitting project, and I am kind of excited about it but can't say much about it at the moment beyond that. I picked out the pattern for the project after that, and the one after that as well. For one of them I should just be able to pick up the yarn at one of several chain stores, but for the other one, I may have to do some hunting to make sure I get what I need. I know my local yarn store, which I have been meaning to visit again anyway, does carry the brand I'd like to get. It's just a matter of them having the correct colors on hand in the right quantity. But hopefully if they don't, I can make a special order. We shall have to see.

Anyhoo, so that's the state of my yarncrafting at the moment. I am in a nice relaxing work at my own pace zone which I am very much enjoying. It's nice to be able to take a day off here and there and know I won't have to furiously make up for it down the road.

I wonder how long that will last?

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