
Friday, July 1, 2011

Looking Forward To The Long Weekend

Hey, Monday is a holiday, isn't it? Huzzah! And wow, is it July already? Man, this year is flying by so quickly. I haven't done so much of what I wanted to do! But...I have done plenty still, so I think I am okay with that.

Just a quick post for you folks today and then I will let you be on your way to enjoy celebrating America's independence however you see fit (though, please, for all of our sakes, do try to refrain from any stupidly dangerous or illegal methods of celebration).

First, a quick reminder: My Stargate Atlantis rewatch kicks off next week you guys! Yay! Tune in Wednesday for my post about the pilot episode "Rising." I am given to understand the the entire series is available on Netflix if you don't have the DVDs and would like to watch along with me. I do hope you'll watch along! SGA posts will be twice a week, on Monday and Wednesday, and I will try to let you know in advance if there won't be a post for some reason.

This leads me into my next bit of news for you, regarding the blog in general. Starting next week, I am going to try something new. Each day of the week will be reserved for a specific kind of post. I know there are a few of you only reading for, say, my posts about yarn crafting. Well, now my main topics will each have their own dedicated day of the week, so you will know when to check for posts about what interests you. I am hoping that this will help streamline my writing for the blog a bit too, as I have found myself often flailing to settle upon topics for each post.

Here's what the new schedule will look like:

Monday: Stargate Atlantis Rewatch
(Please note there will not be a post this coming Monday because I will be enjoying my husband's day off due to the holiday. Depending on how the Stargate Atlantis rewatch goes, we will likely move on to the other Stargate series, and possibly other shows beyond that, like, say, Farscape or Buffy.)

Tuesday: Fun With Fibercrafts!
(This will be the day I feature finished objects, works in progress, projects I'd like to take on, or just talk about some aspect of knitting or crocheting I have on my mind.)

Wednesday: Stargate Atlantis Rewatch

Thursday: Writer's Podium
(Hopefully, hopefully, this will be the day that I can post excerpts of what I am currently working on. I have a new story I would like to start and I think that setting a goal to get a few page or even a chapter out a week to post here will keep me in line writing-wise. On the weeks where I haven't been so productive, I will have posts about writing in general, or what I am working on without it actually being the content. I do have a writing date today, so my fingers are crossed that I will have something fun for you next week!)

Friday: Mystery Bag!
(This will be the whatever post of the week. Here I will talk about my life in general (though I can't pretend that might not slip into other posts as well), parenthood, the video games I am playing or books I am reading, or just whatever is on my mind.)

It is possible that if something comes up about which I am just compelled to write, well, you might see some days with bonus posts. They will be labeled as such though, so never fear.

I am really kind of excited about this change up of "format" for the blog. I hope that you are too. It's all just a grand experiment, but my fingers are crossed that it works out well, for you and for me.

On that note, I will say farewell. Have a spectacular weekend dear readers! Have fun and be safe, and above all, enjoy yourselves, whatever you may do. See you back here next week.

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