
Friday, July 22, 2011

Bonus Post: Star Wars The Old Republic!!!!!!!!!

San Diego Comicon is underway, and in conjunction with that, Bioware has finally launched the pre-orders for Star Wars The Old Republic (SWTOR), the MMORPG that follows from previous RPGs Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.

I have already mentioned more than once how much I am looking forward to this game. I am sure you can imagine the squee of fangirlish delight I let out when I got that email yesterday morning from SWTORs website letting me know pre-orders had opened. I did not hesitate, I jumped right to their site and hit the big PRE-ORDER button looming on the page. I love how it is set up because form the SWTOR site you can pick the store from which you actually want to purchase your game, and it gives you links that take you straight to that ordering page. So I chose Amazon and headed on over to place my order for the super duper deluxe collector's edition. *grin*

It's a good thing I didn't wait, too. Pre-ordering the game gets you early access to it so there are only a limited number of pre-order copies available for each edition. By yesterday afternoon Amazon was saying that the collector's edition was already unavailable. Though I note that it is available again already. I get the impression a lot of retailers weren't quite ready for the rush of eager fans wanting to secure their copy of the game! If you have any interest in the game, I highly recommend going the pre-order route. You can buy online or through physical stores, whatever your preference. There are some pretty decent incentives for ordering early.

The game is set to ship on December 31, and all copies include 30 days of free game time. No word yet on the monthly subscription rates to keep playing. One of my friends in St. Louis is equally excited and is already talking about getting our guild together!

At Comicon, Bioware also released a new trailer for the game and it just got me excited all over again. Check it out, see if it doesn't make the fanboy/girl in you squee just a little.

This news by itself has almost been enough to make me stop wishing I was in San Diego this weekend.


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