
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Further Adventures of Mathman and Dragongirl!

One of the great things about any comic convention is that it brings out the cosplayers in droves. For the uninitiated, a cosplayer is someone who dresses up as a fictional character or in a period costume recreationally (i.e., not for Halloween or a costume party). They come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors, and Emerald City Comic Con was no exception.

Some of them are organized, and use their powers of awesome costume assembly for good:

Hubby, me, a Scout Trooper, and Chewbacca

The 501st Legion, Rebel Legion, and Mandalorian Mercs, for example, are three distinct Star Wars cosplaying groups who banded together at the con to run a photo booth for charity. That was pretty spectacular. We saw the stormtroopers walking around on the first day and I decided we had to get a photo with them, especially once we found out it was for charity! Unfortunately, when we made it to the photo booth, there weren't any stormtroopers available (they had several different characters available at any given time, switching out periodically so they could all get breaks). But it was still a lot of fun. They were doing all kinds of crazy poses, and there were props available, though Hubby and I decided we just wanted to be partying with the trooper and Chewy.

I did find a few more Star Wars cosplayers, who may or may not have been off-duty members of the photo booth groups, and managed to get photos with them, too.

I found a stormtrooper, yay!
You know I love me some Mandlorians.
Wickett! I love the Ewoks, always have, always will.

There was also this guy, of course:

Best. Robot. EVER.

While not technically a cosplayer, I thought he probably fit in this section. I am not sure if the guy that built this R2D2 was affiliated with the photo booth groups or not, but he set up his (working) droid behind the photo booth area and then settled himself into a chair in a corner with the remote. We had seen him setting up, but a lot of people hadn't and didn't realize that the R2 was a working model. He was having some serious fun with that, and I have to say, it was pretty amusing to watch as well. Even though he was tucked back out of the way, R2 drew a pretty big crowd. What can I say, he's awesome, we all know that. I think it is pretty safe to argue that R2D2 is probably one of the most competent characters in the entire Star Wars franchise, if not the most competent. In fact, it has been argued, and quite well.

It wasn't all Star Wars, of course. One of the very best costumes is one I saw on the first day that, sadly, I did not get a picture of. But there was a pretty darn good representation of Morrigan from Dragon Age at the con on Friday and it just made me giddy. There were also, of course, a bevvy of super heroes running around, some of them fitting better into their latex/spandex than others.

I had to get a photo with this guy, of course:

Stargate in the house!

His patch was for SG-1, so either he was just a generic SG-1 team member or he was Colonel O'Neill. I think he pulled it off either way, and he was super nice about getting a photo with me. One of these days I am going to get off the lazy train and put together my own Stargate uniform, though mine will definitely be from the Atlantis side of things.

This one was pretty well done also:

It's-a me, with Mario!

The box he is holding is one of the bricks from the game (the question mark is not visible in the photo, alas), and you can see he had a couple of mushrooms to get from it. Also, he's a Guildie (we met him in line for our Felicia Day and Amy Okuda photo op), so he gets extra props for that.

Speaking of The Guild, we did decide to do the celebrity photo op with Felicia Day and Amy Okuda (we missed out on the first day's op which included Wil Wheaton--another convention-going lesson learned there). The line really wasn't that bad, and it seemed pretty well organized. Maybe a little too much so, they just pushed us in there, took our picture, we got to say "hi" and then "bye" and it was done. Though Felicia did tell Hubby she liked his shirt and declared us the t-shirt king and queen. So, that's something, I guess? Both were super nice though, and I am pretty happy with how the photo turned out.

Amy Okuda, Hubby, me, and Felicia Day

(That funky line is from the scanner going before I was ready, not from the actual photo, by the way.)

All in all, I had an absolutely FANTASTIC time at the convention. I got to meet lots of really cool people. I got to spend an entire weekend with my hubby, just the two of us (and a few thousand other nerds). It was just awesome. Hubby is still gushing that he not only got to meet Sergio Aragones, but to actually help him set up his booth (we met him on the first day, not too long after the floor opened). So I think between the both of us, we had a wonderful enough experience that this is definitely something we will be doing again. And as much fun as we had on our own, once she is a little older, Baby Girl is definitely coming along as well. Now I just have to think of a good set of costumes for the three of us...

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