
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oh, Plans Are A-Whirring

I don't know if I've said here or not, but my husband and I are officially celebrating our anniversary (number six) in Seattle this year. We're going to Emerald City Comic Con, tickets are purchased and the hotel and flights are booked. My super awesome mother-in-law is staying with Baby Girl and her fuzzy brothers while we're away so it can be a nice just-us trip as well.

I am so super excited about this! It is our very first convention (well, Hubby has been to a music convention or two), so I am also trying to make sure I do this right. That means planning on packing comfortable (and geekily appropriate) clothing, as well as figuring out ahead of time who and what we want to see while we are there.

It looks like we are going to just plan to spend all day in hall/room 4A on Saturday for the various panels they have lined up. We'll probably duck out after Shatner's panel though, we are both of like minds that we will be much more approving of the Browncoats movie if we don't actually watch it. It is something that I fear is much more awesome in theory than in reality.

Gah, and the guest list is crazy. I think I have narrowed it down that I definitely want to try to do the photo op/autograph signing with Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day. Thankfully they are actually doing that together (along with Amy Okuda, also of The Guild) on Friday and Saturday, which means half of the standing in lines, yay! Boy howdy are those photo ops pricey though. Still...probably totally worth it.

I made a list of all of the web comics I read and noted which artists I know will be there (between what I could find on the con's website and what the artists themselves have said). I know which booths four of the five that I *have* to meet will be at, so that's a plus. Hubby has an artist or two he wants to try to meet as well. I am this close to printing up a map of the convention site and breaking out the highlighters and going to town with them.

So, it is looking to be a pretty full weekend. Thankfully the con doesn't run that late, and we aren't leaving until Monday morning to head home. This means we'll have Friday and Saturday evening, and most of Sunday free to relax and enjoy one another's company, as well as Seattle itself. I have never been, so I am just as excited about getting to see a new city as about the con.

The big key, I think, is trying to have a plan in place that leaves us plenty of time to just wander about as well, and to also be flexible if we see something interesting that we hadn't planned on, or if we miss out on something we did. It's a little overwhelming, but also quite exciting.

Now I just have to hope I don't go all fangirl and become incapable of relevant and/or coherent speech when we get there and start meeting people...

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