
Friday, January 28, 2011

Wrapping It Up

Despite a few bumps in the road, I feel like I've gotten a decent bit done this week. I started it out with two goals (partly because I like to set goals and partly to give me something to focus on other than the fact that my husband has been out of town and won't be back until Monday). They were:

1. Finish the crochet project I was working on.
2. Finish playing Kingdom Hearts II

I finished the jacket Wednesday evening, and must say I am extremely pleased with the results.

Cotton Jacket by Cori 2011.

Pattern: Essential Jacket by Lion Brand (Size Large)
Yarn: Lion Brand Cotton Ease in Violet (6 Skeins)
Hook: I

The pattern was pretty easy, actually. It is all half-double crochet with raglan shaping on the back and front pieces as well as the sleeves. I could see myself making this again, possibly for a gift if I decide I love someone that much. My only real beef with it at all is that I would have preferred the pattern to be a little bit more spelled out in a few places. Mostly for the two front pieces--we are given the pattern for one half of the front and at one point told to "continue as for the back," but it was a little unclear to me exactly which stitch pattern I should be following there, I would have liked more explicit steps for that bit. Also, for the other half, the pattern just says to "make another just like the first but reverse the shaping." That was easy enough, but only if I was paying attention. I could see where it would be very possible to just be working along and not realize you've made two identical pieces in error, rather than mirror images. But it all came out right in the end, so I am not complaining too much.

Yesterday, I started my Doctor Who scarf. My first knitting project, the slippers, helped me work on the challenge of using two strands at once, as well as changing up the stitches throughout the pattern for design and shaping purposes.  This scarf will give me a chance to practice changing colors. I have already completed my first color stripe (it was a very short one) and changed colors once. It was a little tricky (mostly because I had a toddler crawling all over me trying to alternately steal my yarn and needles) but seems to have turned out well. This will be a long-haul project (it is a dang long scarf), I fear, but very very good practice. As an added bonus, when I cast on and started knitting, I actually remembered how to do both and didn't have to look at my reference book until it was time to change colors, huzzah!

As for my second goal of the week. Well, as it stands now, I have just gotten to the last save point before the final battle. I am pretty confident that I can finish the game today. So that's on track.

In fact, realizing how well I am doing on my self-set goals, I decided yesterday to add a third.

3. Finish reading Good Omens.

Depending on how long it takes me to finish my game, I might actually be able to pull this one off tonight, since I am just rolling into the big climax of the book. Worst case scenario, I finish it tomorrow. Either way, I am a happy Cori.

All in all, I'd say I did good this week. I even took my daughter to the park yesterday to play for a bit with a friend (the weather has gotten gorgeous again), and today after music class, we are going to pay a brief visit at the zoo. My mother-in-law is coming out to do that with us, so I am looking forward to getting to visit with her as well as with my penguins and Komodo dragons.

While I head off to do that, why don't you check out this week's installment of Gronk? It is, as always, awesome-sauce. Katie is back next Friday (yay!) and will have a full week of guest strips leading up to her return, so that's pretty spiffy. Enjoy! Happy weekend!

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