
Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm Sorry, But I Think Jacques Cousteau is Dead

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!  I hope you are all spending your turkey-day with exactly the people you wish to be spending it with!  And if for some reason, you can't be with those people, I hope you can at least let them know you're thinking of them, and that you love them.

My husband and I are officially hosting our first Thanksgiving this year, so I am very excited (and a little nervous).  It's just my hubby's little brother and his fiancee, but still, it's the first time I am cooking for more than just the two of us.  I am still not making a turkey, I don't think I'm quite ready for that step yet, we're still just doing the turkey-ham.  I am, however, making sweet potatoes, despite the fact that I loathe them.  Well, loathe may be a strong word, but I will not be eating said sweet potatoes.  However, my husband loves them, and my little sis-to-be likes them as well, so I will make a small batch, even though looking at the recipe, they are actually going to be the most labor intensive dish I will make today.  Sigh.  But it's a day to do for family, so I will do.

Also, this is the first Thanksgiving that Baby Girl actually gets to partake in the feast, so that's kind of exciting as well.  As you can imagine, I've got plenty of cooking and a little bit of cleaning to get to today, so this will be a short post.  I just wanted to share some of the things I am thankful for with you.

  • My husband and daughter.
  • My whole family, actually.  Even though we're all spread out and I won't get to see most of them, they are in my thoughts and my heart, and I will probably be spending a good portion of today on the phone making sure they know that.
  • The wonderful circle of friends I have managed to amass in my lifetime.  They've seen me through the fantastic times and the impossible (seeming) times, and somehow, someway, they still love me.  I don't know where I'd be without them.
  • The fact that one of the biggest "problems" in my life currently is that I fear I will never be caught up on all of the books I want to read, DVDs I plan to watch, and video games I hope to play.  
  • The fact that even in this crazy economic climate, my husband is willing to let me be a stay-at-home mom, which means I get to be with my daughter every day and watch her grow and learn and explore the world around her.
  • NaNoWriMo--I've found my muse again, and that is a wonderful thing.

I truly do hope you all have a wonderful day.

In parting I will leave you with perhaps the funniest two minutes of Thanksgiving television to ever be created.  Enjoy.

Also, the final episode of Riese:  Kingdom Falling is up today, check it out!

Word Count Update: 46,681 out of 50,000

Update:  Ooh, Gronk posted a day early.  Go check out this week's strip, here!  

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