
Friday, October 1, 2010

Distraction By Animals

So, I know I promised you a book review, and I am working on that, but it is not looking like it will happen today.  You may be asking why, and lucky for you, I will tell you.  Because today I went to the zoo.  A friend of mine that just recently moved out of state is back in town for the weekend with her son and so we decided to get together this morning and go to the Fort Worth Zoo.  Oh it was glorious.  I love the zoo.  I love zoos period.  My favorite place on the entire planet is the St. Louis Zoo.  Which is awesome.  And free.  But I digress.  I offer up for you some of the highlights of the trip, in photo form.  Enjoy.

Baby Girl finds the Wooden Fence Exhibit fascinating.

A kangaroo that is actually out and about (usually they are all hanging out along the very back wall of their exhibit).

Lions in all of their majesty.

Baby Girl watches the penguins swim around.

The white tiger strikes a pose.

A goat plotting his escape from the petting zoo.

I don't think I'd be half so set on never leaving Fort Worth if I didn't love the zoo here so much.  A good zoo is an important thing. 

It's not all just cute animals and babies though folks, I also have a few links for you to fun things I found this week. 

Here's a nifty article about ten television series you should watch on DVD now that they've ended their run and have been released in full.  I find it very interesting that out of the shows on this list that I haven't seen, only one of them isn't on my list of series I'd like to watch someday (or already in my Netflix queue). 

And Jo Walton over at has a nifty theory on what sometimes happens to books you love when you don't reread them for a while.  Jo Walton has a few books out, one series of which has been described as Jane Austen with dragons, which I totally want to read.  I love her articles on Tor, so I can't wait to actually read one of her actual stories, her writing style just makes me happy. 

And lastly, I will close up by taking the opportunity to tell you about a wonderful little webcomic called Gronk.  This is an absolutely adorable story about a monster who decides she doesn't want to be a monster and so heads off for our part of town.  She is found by a human who takes her in and it follows this new family as they try to adjust to each other.  It's drawn by Katie Cook who has a wonderful artistic style and who is clearly all kinds of awesome, because not only has she done licensed work for Marvel and DC, but she's also done licensed Star Wars art as well.  I mean, come on.  Anyhoo, check it out if you get a chance.  It's only been going for a few months and is just a once a week update, so there's not too much to catch up on, but what is there is pure win.  Today's strip is an excellent example.

And on that note, fair readers, I bid you adieu.  There's some darkspawn in the Deep Roads just begging to have me destroy them.

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