
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Getting Started

Well, I've finally decided to jump back into the world of blogging.  Instead of compartmentalizing my life (one blog just about television and movies, one blog just about crochet), I've decided to talk about it all in one central blog.  So this blog will (hopefully) be a little bit of everything--my thoughts on what I'm watching or what's coming up, my frustration at whatever video game I am currently playing, links to cool articles or webcomics I stumble across, stories about things that happen to me, and so on.

My husband and I are taking our daughter (who is just over 13 months old) to her first official "rock concert" tonight.  We're going to go see Rush at Center in Dallas.  It should be an interesting adventure, not to mention a fun show.  They are an amazing group to see live.  This will be my fourth or fifth time to see them, and I am pretty excited about it.  I am hoping that they play Tom Sawyer (which is probably definitely going to happen), The Spirit of Radio (also pretty likely), Roll the Bones (good possibility, I think), and Workin' Them Angels.  Other than that, I just plan to kick back, keep my daughter from wandering off, and have a good time. 

Thanks for stopping by, and please come back soon.  There's much more geekitude on the horizon!


  1. Nobody sane is gonna' pick something other than Stargate SG-1 on your poll. :P

  2. Hmm, guess I'm crazy then, 'cuz my personal favorite is Atlantis. :o) Of course, I already knew my sanity was marginal, so...yeah.

  3. But, but, but, macgyv- I mean Jack O’Neill!

  4. Well, yes, he is awesome--but Sheppard and McKay always struck more of a chord with me.

  5. Well, I’d like to think we can resolve our differences in a civil manner.


    P.S. Dragon Age is awesome.

  6. Hey, I love 'em all. Stargate = Awesome to me in pretty much any incarnation, so I can totally respect that SG-1 (and O'Neill) are your fave. :o)

    Dragon Age *is* awesome, if not incredibly frustrating at times.

  7. You seem tolerant of my opinions and strangely impervious to my nonsensical threats of violence. This vexs me greatly. :P
